Year 6 children at Whitchurch Primary School, Stanmore, created their own Bags of Happiness as part of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. The children discussed mental health, concluding it is as important as physical health and suggested that their Bags of Happiness would be useful for times when they felt upset or sad, as they encourage them to reflect on their ‘happy self.’ As well as decorating their own bags with stickers, the children also wrote notes to go into each other’s bags with compliments and words of positivity. Pastoral Lead Andri Chrysostomou said: “The children cannot wait to add more notes and sentimental things to their bags of happiness. Thank you so much to The Molly Rose Foundation!”
Youngsters in Years 3 and 4 at Marlborough Primary School in Harrow were empowered by the exercise, which helps to equip young people with some of the tools they need to express themselves. Assistant Headteacher Ryan Briody said: “The Bags of Happiness will serve as an important reminder for our children when more uncomfortable feelings arise.”
Children in 3R at Grimsdyke School in Pinner also took part in the activity, telling staff it provided a boost to their self-esteem. As well as individual Bags of Happiness, they even created a communal class bag. Assistant Headteacher Kerry White told us: “One child said ‘Whenever I feel sad I’m am going to look inside my bag!’”
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