Today is University Mental Health Day. Coronavirus has affected us all in different ways but it has proved particularly challenging for many university students who are often living away from home, removed from their usual support and familiar home comforts. Our mental health influences the way we think, feel and engage with the world around us. Therefore, it’s vital we all look after our mental health.
Tips to support your mental health while at university:
Stay in touch
The way we connect with others has changed during lockdown but there are many ways to keep in contact with your friends and family such as texting, video-calling or via social media.
Get into a daily routine
Routines help us plan our time and help us to know what we’re doing each day. Remember to include something you enjoy each day, so you have something to look forward to.
Look after your personal environment
We’re all currently spending a lot of time in our homes or university accommodation so create a space that you’re able to enjoy and feel comfortable spending time in.
Take a break from social media if you need to
If the updates and notifications are becoming overwhelming, it’s ok to take a step back.
Doing a workout routine in your room, going for a walk or run are excellent ways to get your body moving. This may also provide a good opportunity to socialise with a friend or family member as you can go on socially distanced walks or runs for a catch-up.
Sleep helps us manage negative thought and emotions while also providing us with the energy to tackle any problems we may face. We know it’s easier said than done but setting regular times to go to bed and to wake up really helps us to get into a good sleep routine.
And remember
Take some time to reflect how far you’ve come. The resilience and determination you’ve shown, despite everything the past year has thrown at us all is a huge achievement. It’s certainly not always been easy but congratulate yourself for getting to this point and remember brighter days are coming.
If you’re finding today difficult remember to text MRF to 85258 to message a trained volunteer. You’re never alone.