The Molly Rose Foundation is delivering a series of free mental health and suicide first aid courses over the months of April and May.
The courses will take place at Harrow College and are open to carers, teachers, charities and parents of anyone who has contact with young people aged under 25.
Thursday 18th April- Suicide First Aid Lite- 9:15am-1pm
Monday 22nd April- YMHFA- 9:15am – 4:30pm
Tuesday 7th May- Suicide First Aid Lite- 9:15am – 1pm
Wednesday 8th May- Suicide First Aid Lite- 9:15am – 1pm
Tuesday 14th May – May- Suicide First Aid Lite- 9:15am – 1pm
Wednesday 15th May- May- Suicide First Aid Lite- 9:15am – 1pm
Suicide First Aid Lite will see the delivery of a half-day course on how to have a three-step conversation that could save a life. Our trainers take participants through a Suicide Prevention Education & Training approved safety guide which begins with recognising possible signs and telling the person at risk what you’ve noticed and why you are concerned. Showing you care by taking time to listen and learn about what is causing their pain comes next, during which you learn how to help that person understand that now may not be the best time to make a major decision. The final stage of this vital outreach sees the creation of a safety plan to help that individual cope and to protect them from any threats to their safety so that they have a chance to get the help they need.
The MRF also continues to offer Mental Health First Aid and training for Youth Mental Health First Aid Champions (YMHFA). To book email training@mollyrosefoundation.org
If you’re struggling just text MRF to 85258 so you can speak to a trained volunteer from Shout, the UK’s Crisis Text Line service