Molly’s story reaches Australian TV

Molly Russell took her own life in 2017 and her family believes social media, Instagram in particular, is partly to blame.

Her father Ian Russell spoke out about the impact Instagram had on his daughter, who was just 14 when she died, in an interview with the BBC.

At the time of Molly’s death, her family thought she was just a normal teenager.

She was the youngest of three sisters and Ian described her as “future looking” and “enthusiastic” and even on the day before her death, she did her homework and packed her bag for school.

“Since her death, we’ve been able to look back and just scratch the surface at some of the social media accounts that she had been following,” Ian explained.

to visit the post on click here.

Warning This Australian TV site has other very disturbing articles on young suicide which are hard to watch but show how serious the impact social media can have is.

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