In a recent ground breaking, one-day meeting the Molly Rose Foundation (MRF) met to discuss ideas for its future strategic direction. As part of this initiative representatives from a number of other charities and organisations working in the mental health field were invited to attend the meeting’s afternoon session to make their own valued contributions.
Following its official formation as a Foundation in August 2018, MRF’s Trustees, volunteers and other supporters have worked to carry out the charity’s stated purposes through a range of activities – examples of which can be seen elsewhere in other News stories and related sections on this website. Earlier this year, for example, we resumed face-to-face training (following the pandemic), delivering Youth Mental Health First Aid courses using the MHFA England accredited syllabus.
Future directions
Looking ahead, MRF hired an external venue – the Bernays Memorial Hall in Stanmore, Middx – to examine both existing and new ways in which it can continue with its overall objective: the relief and assistance of young people under the age of 25, in any part of the world, who are suffering from depression or other mental illness that puts them at risk of suicide by providing them, their families, friends, peer groups and support networks with information, practical advice and support suitable for both their age and illness.
The two-part MRF Strategy Meeting then moved on to welcome invited guests including a number of bereaved parents, as well as Naomi Pendleton – Service Manager at the charity Rethink Mental Illness.
Also attending both remotely (via Zoom) and in person were Jonny and Michael Benjamin from the charity Beyond, who outlined their experiences and ambitions for this grant-giving organisation. As founder and chair of the charity, Jonny described the role played by Beyond’s youth board, which he described as the driving force behind achieving goals such as much needed mental health-related support for schools.
Debi Roberts and Vicky Gutteridge, representing The Ollie Foundation (‘One life lost is enough’) were also on-hand to describe how their charity is dedicated to delivering suicide awareness, intervention and prevention training by empowering professionals and young adults in their own communities to lead suicide prevention activities. As CEO, Debi outlined future activities including safer prescribing for antidepressants and young people – the known possible side effects of antidepressants which can include suicidal thinking, and how we can prescribe more safely so that patients receive both the medical help they need and the support to better navigate potential side effects.
This presentation was succeeded by an appearance from Andrew Wright, CEO and founder of company ‘Action Your Potential’. His engaging and informative insight into the human brain summarised the situation we face: brains were built for survival, not learning, and sometimes the way they operate can actually get in the way of our progress, development and growth. Yet their neuroplasticity provides an opportunity for change that is uniquely human. We can carry out activities that help us build the kind of connections and pathways we need to live a full, focused, engaged and productive life.
Get involved with us…
MRF is exploring further development of ideas based on the potential areas highlighted during its 2022 Strategy Meeting, including working in conjunction with other charities and organisations operating in the mental health arena for the ongoing benefit of those we seek to help. If you’d like to get involved please make contact via our inbox: hello@mollyrosefoundation.org
If you’re struggling just text MRF to 85258 so you can speak to a trained volunteer from Shout, the UK’s Crisis Text Line service