Primary School’s ‘Purple Day’ Spreads Messages of Hope 

The Molly Rose Foundation would like to express heartfelt gratitude to everyone at Cannon Lane Primary School in Pinner for its spectacular ‘Purple Day’.

All children and staff were invited to wear a purple accessory (such as a hairband, tie, or socks) to school on Friday 17th May and make a donation to the charity.

More than £1,000 was raised during the initiative, which was part of Mental Health Awareness Week.

The children also created colourful bunting featuring inspirational messages including: “Start the day with a smile!”, “Be the best you can be” and “Live long, stay strong”, a slogan of the charity taken from one of Molly’s own diaries.

MRF staff Lisa Pascoulis and Satya Desai were also present on the day to hand out Where to find help cards.

If you’re struggling just text MRF to 85258 so you can speak to a trained volunteer from Shout, the UK’s Crisis Text Line service


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