Ollie Foundation’s Guidance Pack

The Ollie Foundation have put together some guidance notes for schools and educational organisations that maybe helpful following a suicide or sudden death.  These notes are aimed at adults as they contain sensitive and potentially distressing material.  The link will take you to the Ollie Foundation’s website where you can download the resource.

The Samaritans’ Document

In the coming weeks there is likely to be a focus in the news on the dangers of online harms, self-harm and suicide related content which can be viewed online as a result of the inquest into Molly’s death.

Therefore it is important for parents, carers, youth leaders and teachers and others who are involved in education to have regular conversations with young people about online use and things that you can do to stay safe as well as highlighting the support options that are available.

The Samaritans have provided the Molly Rose Foundation with some links to their website for parents and pupils giving advice on their Services and Resources.

The Dear Parents Document

Have you ever wondered what teens have to say about their tech?  Read this interesting document entitled Dear Parents produced by the Action Network Advisory Board Youth Members and distributed by Fairplay, the home of the Children’s Screen Time Action Network based in Boston, MA.  Dear Parents provides a supportive conversation guide around the use of tech, in order to build trust and respect between parents and teens.

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