Molly Rose Foundation holds it’s first training session

Thursday 21st March was an important day for the Molly Rose Foundation as we held our first training session, a Mental Health First Aid course at Marlborough Primary School, Harrow. The MRF fully funded the course which allowed a St John Ambulance trainer to deliver the Youth MHFA One Day Course. Its aim is to give those who work with young people the confidence they need to spot the early signs of mental ill health and teach the skills to support those who are vulnerable.

The course was oversubscribed and the feedback from the 16 delegates who attended was very positive. Our aim is to hold further courses in the near future, so we can deliver training to as many people as possible.

Thanks to everyone who has donated to the MRF, your support has made this training possible and, because of your generosity, vulnerable young people will be better connected to the help and support they require.

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