The Coffee for Molly programme came from Molly’s love of making Coffee for her Friends and the vital importance of starting conversations about Mental Health. So, what better way than to encourage people in Coffee shops to start the all-important conversations.
From 23rd November to 1st December the Molly Rose Foundation will be working with a number of Coffee shops to run our Coffee for Molly programme. We have generated a series of resources that will help encourage and start the conversation based on our MOLLY acronym.
We have created a downloadable information sheet that will help you understand the importance of conversations and useful advice to help you start them and if needed where to signpost someone for help. To download our information sheet Please Click Here
We are delighted that the following Coffee Shops will be taking part in the Coffee for Molly initiative from 23rd November to 1st December Please pop along to one of them and show your support for them and Coffee for Molly.