This week, volunteers from the Molly Rose Foundation visited a local primary school to support teachers with this year’s theme for Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week of ‘My Voice Matters’.
On Monday 5th February, our volunteers worked with children from the Krishna Avanti Primary School in Harrow to create their own ‘My Bag of Happiness’ with some fantastic results.
The children were very engaged and enjoyed sharing what made them happy, such as being with their families, playing with siblings, playing sport, going to theme parks, food, having a hug and many more topics.
The children put these suggestions into their Bags of Happiness with the understanding they can add more happy memories and thoughts as they occur.
A big thank you to the school for making us so welcome and also having a casual clothes day to raise £270 for the MRF.
The MRF also paid a visit to share Bags of Happiness the Squirrels of the 4th Headstone Scout group in Harrow.
In total, 2,610 Bags of Happiness have now been delivered, alongside a further 64 requested during Children’s Mental Health Week.
If you’re struggling just text MRF to 85258 so you can speak to a trained volunteer from Shout, the UK’s Crisis Text Line service.