Bitesize Resilience is for anyone who needs help surviving crises. Using her extensive experience managing crisis situations both in her work and personal life, Rabbi Laura Janner Klausner provides daily wisdom and practical strategies to flourish in spite of adversity.
Rabbi Laura has very kindly donated all the profits from her book launched on May 8th to the Molly Rose Foundation. To view a video of the launch including a powerful and informative talk by Ian, Chair of Trustees of the Molly Rose Foundation, please click here.
Bitesize Resilience features 365 daily thought-provoking pieces. One of the inspiring features is the activities you can do in relation to the daily text. Below is the extract for January 7th.
To find out more about Rabbi Laura and her book please go to the Bitesize Resilience website.
The Trustees of the Molly Rose Foundation are extremely grateful for the support Rabbi Laura has given us. We wish her every success with her wonderfully insightful and thought-provoking book on resilience, something so vital in this current climate and every day.
To purchase your copy of Bitesize Resilience, please follow this link to the Amazon Kindle store.
What’s the Quality of Your Relationships?
A frequent sign of post-traumatic growth is that relationships improve. Often people who experience post-traumatic growth describe closer relationships with family and or friends, neighbours, fellow trauma survivors and strangers. This certainly resonates with me. I have discovered, as many people do, who my true friends are during a trauma. Most poignantly, new friends, new soulmates, people who I cherish like the dearest family have come into my life in the last few years of crisis and I feel closer to those who have done that and at the same time aware, with a lot of pain, of those who chose not to look after me.
I feel strengthened by closer relationships and wiser and more resilient because I understand which relationships were conditional on things being easy in the past.
Thank in your mind and maybe in person, one person who showed themselves as a rock when you have felt unsteady.